
Bolstering the Customer Experience

soona offers same-day photo and videos for customers who need product shots for their online merchandising, websites, and/or social media feeds. A stakeholder interview with soona representatives was conducted. During the interview process, I got key findings and gathered as much info as possible from their point of view. I learned what they thought was working, and opportunities to focus on.

Competitive Audit

An audit of features and benefits of competing sites that offer services similar to soona.

soona wanted to make advancements to its online booking experience in order to ensure that potential customers have a clear understanding of what to expect when purchasing their services. soona wanted to identify areas where potential users may be getting confused or stuck in the booking flow. I was brought on to research new ways of communicating soona’s services; and allowing potential customers insight into their integrated business model.

Customer Journey Map

I set about to understand the path that each new customer takes when they sign up and book with soona. A method commonly used is to create a journey map of the process.

For the customer journey map, I developed a persona named Rob. He is a mid-30s owner of a small e-commerce business looking for professional photography at a competitive price. Here you can see Rob’s path along each point of the booking process, Rob’s thoughts, questions, and emotional responses to each phase of the process. There is a noticeable emotional “dip” in the process when attempting to book and reserve time. This is where I decided to focus on and understand more.

Feature Cards

With the knowledge gained from the stakeholder interview and customer journey map, I prototyped out 5 ways to address the goals of soona through new or expanded features(refer back to the case study introduction for the goal(s)), based on your rapid research. Create hand-sketches or low-fidelity digital wireframes of individual screens to visualize your idea.Use the template provided in the #emerson-course work channel to add each idea to a feature card(one idea per artboard). Follow the instructions in the template. Name the idea below the image. Then I wrote a brief scenario statement to explain each idea you sketched

Here are the features cards I designed in Sketch based on feedback from soona…

Kano Analysis

A survey was conducted from a mix of customers and soona employees. They were asked about various features and how they felt if they were included or missing. The results were tabulated and plotted and charted using a method known as a Kano Analysis.


Without going into too much detail, the Kano Model is an approach to prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers. Alternately, it also shows features that are not noticed or unimportant to the user if missing, and/or frustrating if missing.


Here you can see a breakdown of employees thoughts/reactions of key features, in comparison to customers thoughts/reactions to those same features.

  • A key insight into the data-gathering: both Employees and Customers took part in the Kano analysis.  Here are individual charts for both groups.

  • Interesting to note, the Customer participants considered Paint by Numbers (F5) the highest in terms of satisfaction. Work in Progress (F9) scored highest in terms of functionality.

  • The Booking Progress Bar (F2) scored somewhat low to the Customers compared to the Employees assessment.

  • The Shot List Decision (F3) had the widest variance, scoring fairly high on the satisfaction/performance side for Customers, and fairly low on the functional side to Employees.

Annotated Wireframes

With the data and info gathered, I created annotated wireframes of the selected features. I backed up my recommendations with supported research and kept the estimated development time within the development budget of 40 hours of development time. I create annotated screens and task flows that show the interactions of executing my recommendations for the new key features.

Here’s an example of the high-fidelity wireframe I designed in Sketch.

Findings & Recommendations

I catalogued and summarized the project into a Keynote presentation…